Bulls Red Micro Beet – 50 grams
Micro Bull’s Blood is a source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, vitamin A to maintain healthy organ functioning, and vitamin K to assist with faster wound healing. The microgreens also provide copper, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and lower amounts of phosphorus, zinc, and folate.
Flavour : Delicate texture with a mild, sweet, subtly nutty, and earthy, beet-like flavour.
Appearance : deep burgundy to green leaves with stunning, tender red stems that brightens up the dishes visually when used as garnish or in salads due to their bright colour and bold flavour.
Health Benefits :
- Rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and K, there are many beet microgreens benefits including reducing inflammation, boosting digestion, and promoting healthy skin.
- Microgreens are a great way to add vitamins and phytonutrients (beneficial organic chemicals) into your diet.
- They’re also rich in antioxidants, which may help prevent some forms of cancer. Microgreens have an impressive amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and dietary fibre—all concentrated in tiny leaves and stems.
- Nutritional content of 100 grams of raw beet leaves (22 calories).
- 33% from protein (2.2 grams)
- 4% from fat (0.1 gram)
- 63% from carbs (4.3 grams)
- Beet greens and microgreens contain a whopping amount of vitamin K. Vitamin K works together with protein and calcium to build strong bones. Consuming foods rich in vitamin K may help prevent hip fractures and osteoporosis.
- A 100 gram serving of beet greens provides plenty of vitamin A. This vitamin helps promote healthy skin and maintains vision. It also converts food into energy and helps to maintain the immune system. Vitamin A plays a role in the healthy development of bones.
- Vitamin C from beet greens boosts the immune system, and may lower the risk of developing some forms of cancer. Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, a tissue which helps with wounds and maintaining strong blood vessel walls.
- Beet greens are a good source of potassium, which is important for regulating blood pressure and heart rate. Potassium may help in lowering your risk for high blood pressure.
- Did you know that beet greens contain more iron than spinach? Iron is essential in carrying oxygen throughout the body by promoting the development of haemoglobin, a substance vital to healthy blood cells. Those that are iron-deficient may develop anaemia. Women in particular, and those on plant-based diets may not get enough iron, so eat more of these healthy beet microgreens!
- High in both soluble and insoluble dietary fibber. Eating beet microgreens may help keep you regular and promote healthy gut bacteria.
- Betalains, the phytonutrients in beet microgreens which give them their vibrant red colour are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative damage such as that caused by free radicals or toxins and can be anti-inflammatory agents. Both the beetroot and leafy greens contain betalains which also have powerful detoxifying properties.
- Beet microgreens are a natural source of nitrites which may help lower your blood pressure.
- Nitrates present in beet microgreens have been shown to increase the flow of oxygen through our bodies by dilating the arteries and veins, reducing blood pressure and increasing circulation.